Thursday, November 10, 2016

Day three and is chaos lately.

I'm typing on my phone so this will probably be short.  Still haven't gotten Internet working at Lissa's.

Wednesday I got to go out into the field for the first time and take some measurements for a bridge that was being replaced.  Since the job required me to drive through Winona, on my way back in stopped at my mom's work to surprise her and say hi.  I got to meet her new boss so that was nice.  I knew her old boss pretty well and was sad that she left but this new last seems nice also.

When I was driving back I noticed the farmer's were starting to cut down all the hay and were out in the fields bailing.  Shortly thereafter, my allergies kicked in full force.  I was sneezing almost nonstop the rest of the day.

Jamie picked me up at work and I sat in the back seat by Zane on the way to Dover.  We unpacked and I played with Zane a lot...had to get in all the snuggles that I could!!!  Unfortunately my allergies were taking over my ability to function so Jamie took me back to my car around 7:30 instead of staying until 9.  I came back to Lissa's, took two benadryl, and went to bed.

Food wise I did okay for part of the day, I had a breakfast sandwich and a coffee from kwik trip, then had a sandwich I made for lunch at work.  For dinner though we ended up getting toppers pizza so that pretty much negated all the good I had been doing.

Today (Thursday) I went into work an hour later than usual due to being extremely groggy from the benadryl. That's one nice thing about being in a salaried position, I can make my own hours for the most part, as long as I get my work done.

For breakfast I had leftover pizza.  I was getting really tired during the workday, staring at a computer for hours really wears me out when I'm doing it day after day.  :/  Hoping to do more outside work sooner rather than later. 

Lunch was a spicy tuna roll from Hy-Vee.  It was pretty good, for grocery store sushi.  Not great but it hit the spot.  I worked an extra half hour in hopes that I can get out of town early tomorrow to head back up to the cities.

I drove to Winona after work. Talked with Matt on the drive down which was really nice.  He was making squash too...but didn't know what kind it was which I found amusing.  MYSTERY SQUASH!   When I got to my parents house i swapped vehicles with my dad.  He also bought a brand new trailer this week and it's huuuge so I have that too.  I stopped and saw my grandparents who had just gotten back from vacationing around Branson, MO.  Grandma made me a chicken breast sandwich.

On the way home I played some ingress to get my mind off of things.  After work tomorrow I have a therapy appointment with Jamie.  Worried about what to say...or what not to say...I don't know.  Just too much to think about right now so I just end up pushing it out of my head.

I was still hungry after getting back to Lissa's so I heated up the rest of the squash.  Definitely need to get another one of those!!!  Busy weekend ahead...we shall see what it brings.  I hope to get a lot of stuff moved this weekend.

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